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Get Your Label BIS Approved in No Time

Are you looking for a reliable certification consultant to help you get BIS certification for your LED TV? If you need BIS Certification for your LED TV, EVTL India can help. We are a certification consultant with extensive experience assisting companies in obtaining the necessary certification for their products. But before we let you know how we can help you, let's dive into the details of BIS Certification for LED TV:


What is it?


BIS stands for Bureau of Indian Standards. It is an autonomous body that sets standards for products sold in India. Any product that is sold in India must have a BIS certification


LED TVs are no exception. The manufacturer must obtain a BIS certification to sell an LED TV in India. The certification process is relatively straightforward and requires the manufacturer to submit a few documents and samples of the product for testing. 


Reasons why you need the certification?


There are several reasons why BIS certification is necessary for LED TVs:


  1. It ensures that the product meets specific safety and quality standards.
  2. It helps protect consumers from selling inferior or unsafe products.
  3. It helps to promote competition in the marketplace by levelling the playing field for all manufacturers. 


Obtaining BIS certification is a cost of doing business for manufacturers who want to sell their products in India. It is necessary to ensure that the products they sell meet minimum standards and are safe for consumers. In short, BIS certification is a mandatory requirement for all LED TVs sold in India.


How EVTL can help you: Our process


The BIS certification process for LED TVs is lengthy and detailed, but our team of experienced certification consultants can help guide you through every step.


  • The first step is to apply to the BIS, along with all the required documentation. Once your application is received, our team will review it and provide you with a list of any missing documents or information. Once your application is complete, it will be sent to the BIS for review.
  • The BIS will then assess your application and may request additional information or documents. Once your application is approved, you will be required to submit samples of your product for testing. Once the samples have been tested and approved, you will be issued a BIS certification.


Navigating your way to BIS certification with prompt Assistance:


We offer a complete range of services, from application assistance to on-site inspections, and we can help you get your TVs certified quickly and efficiently. We can help you with the entire process, from start to finish, and ensure that you get the certification you need promptly and efficiently.


Our team of consultants can help you navigate the entire BIS certification process from start to finish. We will work with you to ensure that your application is complete and accurate and that your product meets all the requirements for certification.

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